PlantingPeers is the ministry for spouses in church planting. We are convinced, that for planting and multiplying healthy gospel churches, we need healthy marriages.
The vision of PlantingPeers is to see every spouse of a church planter trained, supported, and valued.
PlantingPeers creates relational space and a safe place for spouses in church planting.
PlantingPeers likes to see spouses set free by the gospel to embrace and live their truest identities! In our community, we normalize the painful and often confusing experience of ministry. And we like to invite spouses to entrust their lives to Jesus, the Guardian of our souls, and each other. As trust is built and hearts shift, spouses begin to move from a life of fear to one of freedom, transforming how they live in the community as kingdom‐building partners.
PlantingPeers training and support provide a grid for living and viewing life through the lens of the gospel with practical, visual, and memorable tools.
We work in close partnership with Parakaleo (USA).
What we offer
All PlantingPeers modules help to take the truth of the gospel to our own hearts. We use practical, visual tools to make gospel theology easily accessible in the moments of crisis and ministry challenges and develop resilience.
Gospel Coaching
Church planting blends all areas of your life into one: vocation, calling, community, and faith. So many spouses in church planting feel like no one understands what they are going through. And they are right, most don’t.
As a coach, I am ready to help you unpack current life issues through coaching. The first coaching consultation call will be free. Please contact me, if you would like to receive such one-on-one support.
Virtual Group
Maybe you feel isolated, discouraged and even a little disconnected from God. You aren't alone! PlantingPeers offers you a group led by someone who is further down the road with a heart to bring you along - you'll walk away with practical tools and a network of friends who know what you're going through.
Groups of 4-6 participants create space for spouses in church planting to be renewed and restored. Groups provide an ongoing deep connection with trusted companions as well as just-in-time training for current issues facing church planting. Meetings typically last 1.5h.
Please get in contact with Judith, our PlantingPeers Coordinator.