The 21st Century is marked by an ever-changing landscape. This fast pace of change demands that leaders be agile in their ability to assess and to adjust to ever changing situations. Coaching uniquely helps today’s leader to navigate personal and church-plant-related challenges.
Why Coaching?
Coaching provides accountability and a framework for just-in-time learning as individuals, groups and teams. Coaching helps leaders with forward momentum and development of new skills. A coach is in conversation with leaders in regards to their personal, missional, relational and spiritual life in the context of their communities, team, organisations and church plants.
City to City Europe envisions that every church planter has a personal coach to talk things through once a month during the academic year.
To provide church planters with qualified Gospel coaches we have developed:
Training for coaches
A network of coaches
A website to connect coaches and church planters
training for coaches
Coaching provides church planters with support, assistance and accountability. A coach helps a planter develop their church-planting competencies, addresses personal life issues, and provides insights into role navigation in the church planting project in the context of an intentional gospel friendship. It is a process of imparting encouragement and skills to the planter in order to succeed in starting a gospel-centered church.
Before the coronavirus pandemic, our training had a 4-step program as seen in the picture (A to D).
In 2021 we will offer an adapted and revised training online that is already under development.
What’s in the Training?
Good coaches need to develop several skills and competencies: connecting with a variety of different people, connecting in different contexts and moments in time, the ability to ask good questions and to not offer advice. City to City Europe is convinced that the gospel is always part of the coaching process. Therefore, we discuss and train gospel-centered values and processes in the coaching-dialogue.
We would like coaches to be available to work within a relational context with a church planter for one or two years after the training.
If you would like to have more information on the training, dates and requirements , or if you want to be trained as a coach, email us at or fill out the signup form below.