All across the world, cities shape culture, commerce, and convictions.

In Europe, leading cities have an impact way beyond themselves. Places like London, Kyiv, Athens, or Budapest influence their regions, countries, and (to some extent) all of Europe in massive ways.

This year, we have seen God at work in some of these leading Hub Cities. Leaders from different denominations and organizations are coming together in these cities to work collaboratively and form strong gospel ecosystems that will lead to more church plants locally – and beyond!

Our City to City Europe team serves as a catalyst for this gospel movement by …
(1) working towards igniting this vision of collaboration in more cities across Europe
(2) bringing together current Hub City leaders to learn from, support, and pray for each other.

It is incredible to see how many cities in Europe are moving in this direction.

In 2022, we were able to support 17 cities in this way.

Watch this video to hear Jason Lim share how this has impacted his city, Frankfurt.


"We look to a few cities
to catalyze many more cities,

so that the gospel will go from City to City.“

-Neil Powell



If you partner with us by giving over 100€ / $100, you will receive a copy of Neil Powell's book Together for the City. It unpacks the vision for gospel movements in cities that has driven much of what we have seen happening this year!

To receive the book, please donate through the link above and then fill out the form below with your mailing address.