September 29 - October 10, 2025
Location Pending
The European Church Planting Intensive training is a 12-day learning experience for church planters who are called to plant in key European cities. Interactive sessions focused on building vital competencies will be facilitated by experienced trainers and church planters. Participants will also have the opportunity to interact with church planters on the ground through on-site visits in the city. The training will focus on the following areas:
Gospel Renewal: First and foremost, this learning experience is designed to immerse church planters deeply in the gospel, help them to apply the gospel to themselves and understand how the gospel shapes and empowers every aspect of their church plant.
Contextualisation and Ministry Design: The Intensive helps planters to think through the following questions: How do we contextualise our ministry approaches to our urban context? What will the unique, city-focused ministry of our church plant look like for our neighbourhood?
Balanced Ministry: How do we plant churches that address the different ministry fronts in the city? How will the gospel influence and propel our preaching, evangelism, discipleship, faith and work, and mercy and justice initiatives and bear fruit for our city?
Planting a missional church: How do we gather and train a core group for a church plant? How can we implement a missional mindset into our community from the earliest stages on? And how do we lead this community through the various first steps of a church plant?
If you are a church planter in a major European city, the Intensive is for you—and your spouse! Your closest and most important partner in the work of church planting is the same as your closest partner for life in general. This year at the Intensive we are emphasizing having church planting couples attend. Therefore we are offering the planter to bring their spouse at no extra cost! However, for several different logistical reasons, we cannot invite couples to attend with their children.
Additionally, we believe in the importance of offering just-in-time training. We aim for our participants to be at most 1.5 years from launching public worship services or, conversely, at most 1.5 years after having launched public worship.
Application period: To give our participants plenty of time to work through the vital pre-session materials, all applications for the 2024 Intensive must be made by June 3rd, 2025.
Time requirements: The Intensive will run from a Monday through the following Friday mostly in early October 2025. Each day will consist of all-day sessions from 9 am till 5-6 pm. The exceptions will be the first day (starting in the evening), Saturday and Sunday (half-days), and the last day (ending before lunch).
The pre-session materials you must complete before attending the Intensive will require around 24 hours. These consist of various articles and multiple chapters from Center Church (note: you will need your own copy). We close registration 17 weeks before the Intensive so that participants will have plenty of time to go through this material (under 1.5 hrs./week). As the Intensive is about practicing skills, gaining competency and group learning with dynamic reflection, it is vital that the theory be absorbed from the pre-session materials prior to the Intensive. If you are not willing or able to commit to going through the pre-session materials before attending, please do not apply.
Cost: Our pricing is based on a number of factors in order to maximally allow planters from varying countries and situations to participate. You will see your individual price after completing the first steps of the application process. Spouses may attend at no additional cost (not children). The cost covers lunch during the training days, three group dinners during the Intensive, and the training itself and training materials. The cost does not cover: transport to, from and in the training location, housing, breakfasts or other dinners besides the aforementioned three group dinners.
If you are interested in participating in the European Church Planting Intensive, we invite you to register your interest by filling out the application linked below. We will contact you after registration for the 2025 Intensive officially closes (June 3) to confirm your participation.
***Pre-registration for the 2025 Intensive is open! If you would like to register your interest for the 2025 Intensive, you can fill out the application form and we will contact you when registration for the 2025 Intensive officially opens (March 2025) with more details.