Gen Z: Be Yourself and Change The World
“Asked to develop a slogan for gen Z, 13-22 year-olds overwhelmingly suggest some variation on ‘be yourself’ (e.g. ‘just be you,’ ‘just be yourself,’ ‘do what makes your happy’) as the slogan for their generation. Second after variations on ‘be yourself’ were slogans aimed at social responsibility such as ‘save the planet’, ‘we want change’ and ‘we are the future.’” - 2019 JWT intelligence study in partnership with Snap Inc (THINKHOUSE UK)
What Greta Thunberg, Luka Sabbat, James Charles, Billie Eilish, have in common - besides millions of followers across social media platforms? They consider themselves to be authentic, they care deeply about human rights, prizing equality, inclusion and diversity, and technology is a central part of their upbringing. They also consider creativity to be a life skill and form of personal expression. Gen Zers (born between mid-1990s and mid-2000s) represent around 8% of London’s population.
The question is How do we engage with them? Kristi will draw on her experience with working with college students in particular to help us meet this challenge and make the most of the opportunities they bring.