Challenging Your Community to Give in Times of Crisis
Now that we can’t attend a church service in person and services are cancelled, the income from collections in many congregations is declining. To fight shortages, churches have several options and need to be much more intentional about asking for their congregants to tithe.
The first few weeks during the crisis churches were very busy preparing to broadcast their services, sending out newsletters and focusing on looking after each other. But it seems a lot of the churches are simply leaving it to their local congregations to take their own action when it comes to giving.
However, we all need to ensure that the church receives income while services continue in nontraditional ways. Especially in this time of crisis, we need to ask people to give and challenge people to keep participating in our ministry.
This time of coronavirus shows how alive the church is. The Spirit not only propels the gospel through every age, but also awakens creativity in us. It is good to think about how to be creative about how people can give. Not because it needs to be all about money right now, but because the "service of sacrifice" is essential for worship. Before the blessing we offer our prayers to God and we give our gifts in the "service of gratitude.” Believing this will help give context and courage to engage your congregation in this conversation
Here are some ways to enable your congregation to give during this time:
Bank account
All congregations have bank accounts to which members can transfer money. Some churches already put a giving link as part of their livestream. If you hold a collection, give a brief talk online and show a PowerPoint or video showing how to give and for what the funds will be used.
Give app
There are several apps for smartphones that can help you and your congregation simplify the process of collecting money. In a broadcast during the collection you can show a QR code. Viewers can then open the app, choose an amount to donate, and then scan the code. The collection is such an integral part of the liturgy. The app offers people the opportunity to participate. In addition, it is possible that during the livestream it will be announced how many people have participated in the collection from home. This will promote the feeling of being together.
The willingness to give is higher if there is a lower threshold. Keep it simple and encourage online or app giving rather than something more complicated like a bank transfer. Keeping giving within the time frame and context of the service also allows people to see their giving connected to the life of the church.
Let's use our creativity to enable collecting in this time of COVID-19. Without the offering, our creative church services are lacking an important element. We have the calling to share our gifts and that includes offerings. This is an essential component of being the church together.
Therefore my appeal to you as churches is to collect creatively during corona times. In short: CCC, Collect Creative in Covid-19.